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  • Data comprise the collection label details of museums specimens for five bumblebee species (Bombus hortorum, B. muscorum, B. lapidarius, B. pascuorum and B. sylvarum) from five UK museums (Natural History Museum (London), National Museums Scotland, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, and World Museum (Liverpool)). The details include species, collector, date collected, location, and caste. The location for each specimen was geotagged using Google Maps’ Geocoding application programming interface. Each specimen had its left and right forewing landmarked, with the wing shapes aligned using a Procrustes alignment, and Procrustes distance between the wings calculated. The data came from a digitisation program as part of a NERC funded Standard Grant awarded to R. Gill (NE/P012574/1) and I. Barnes (NE/P012914/1). Full details about this dataset can be found at